Mounting shares

Before following the below instructions, ensure you have been added to the sudoers file or otherwise have root access.

Instructions Images
First, you want to update Rocky Linux, and install the cifs-utils package using the Terminal before any share can be mounted. Open the Terminal and then run the next three commands in sequence.

sudo yum update

sudo yum upgrade

sudo yum install cifs-utils
Next, you want to create a new directory in the /mnt/ directory to serve as your mounting point for the Windows share.
Create the nikhef_share directory:

sudo mkdir /mnt/nikhef_share
Finally, you can use the mount command to mount the Windows share to the newly created nikhef_share directory.
Mount // on /mnt/nikhef_share:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username= // /mnt/nikhef_share

If you want to mount a different folder, such as // or //, you can use the same command, except replace 'project' with your /path/to/folder of choice.

Keep in mind that mounted shares are not persistent. You have to repeat this step after every restart.
You can now use the file manager to access /mnt/nikhef_share.

Before following the below instructions, ensure you have been added to the sudoers file or otherwise have root access.

Instructions Images
First, you want to update Ubuntu and install cifs-utils using the Terminal before any share can be mounted. Open the Terminal and then run the next three commands in sequence.
Update Ubuntu:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

Install cifs-utils:

sudo apt install cifs-utils
Next, you want to create a new directory in the /mnt/ directory to serve as your mounting point for the Windows share.
Create the nikhef_share directory:

sudo mkdir /mnt/nikhef_share
Finally, you can use the mount command to mount the Windows share to the newly created nikhef_share directory.
Mount // on /mnt/nikhef_share:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username= // /mnt/nikhef_share

If you want to mount a different folder, such as // or //, you can use the same command, except replace 'project' with your /path/to/folder of choice.

Keep in mind that mounted shares are not persistent. You have to repeat this step after every restart.
You can now use the file manager to access /mnt/nikhef_share.

There are several ways to access or mount a windows share.

Instructions Images
To access a share under windows without mounting a drive letter, just open explorer and type: \\\ and browse to the desired location.
To make a shortcut (quick access link) right click the folder you want to make a shortcut for and select Pin to Quick access
On windows domain computers you can map a drive letter when windows starts by creating a file: H:\Config\logon.cmd
Make sure the drive letter is not already in use, it best to use anything after drive H: (H = home drive)
@ECHO off
REM Default private logon script
ECHO Private logon script for %username%

REM Set drive mappings here
net use Z: /d
net use Z: \\\project\share

If you dont want to use a script just right click on "This PC" and select "Map network drive..."
Give it a drive letter
Type \\\ in the Folder path and browse to the path you would like to make a Drive mapping for
Click Finish