Aim: Description of the Nikhef Indico service
At Nikhef, we use Indico for event management.
Indico (Integrated Digital Conferencing) was developed and is maintained by CERN. Indico is free software licensed under terms of GNU General Public License (GPL).
Registering to
You do not have to register yourself to the Nikhef Indico service. Login with your SSO Nikhef credentials (account name and password). You must login to manage events, upload documentation or view events which are not public.
The agenda is structured in categories and subcategories, like Nikhef General or Electronics Department. These categories are managed by one or more registered users.
Contact the secretariat ( in case you want to create a new category on the top level page.
LDAP accounts and groups.
Your Indico account is an LDAP type account, the account credentials are provided by the Nikhef LDAP service. Your LDAP record is updated daily with data from the FOM-Nikhef personnel administration system. We do not use Indico accounts of type LOCAL, consequently no account information is stored into the Indico database.
As a manager of an Indico category or event you are able to restrict access (Protection) to specific users and groups. Use the LDAP search function in case you add users or groups to the access control list of your category or event. Protecting using LDAP groups is the recommended method in case you want to restrict access to all members of your group. Examples of groups are Electronische Technologie, LHCb, etc. The name scheme follows the scheme of the Nikhef organogram as it is configured in the personnel administration system.
Indico archive.
The old Indico service at Nikhef has been taken out of production in January 2015 and is accessible as archive. For security reasons this archive is available only from within the Nikhef network.
About Indico versions.
We are running Indico v1.2.1. If the v2.0 release ever becomes available we will replace the old-style database ZODB by a more modern relational database.
How to use Indico
Indico has an on-line user manual. Besides this on-line assistance there are many experienced Indico users amongst your colleagues. Contact the Nikhef CT Helpdesk in case you need the Indico Administrator to perform an action you can not perform yourself with your own account.